
Sunday, August 10, 2014

quick review on japanese FINE hyaluron and collagen and other compliants (some honourable mentions as well)

ok sorry for being sooo blunt and straightforward. Maybe it is my age.or maybe I should only criticize after I am finished with the second can??? or may because  I am approaching 40. This products claims it has high quality fish collagen. I am suspecting it has an inferior type of fish collagen. it could be derived from fish scales. Collagen derived from fish skin is far more superior than fish scales. so please don't waste your money on fish scales (sisik ikan). Do you need a lot of collagen? you only need  3000mg collagen in a collagen drink. those products that play with zing words like 1000000 collagen , extra glutathione etc etc..are GIMMICKS. I feel like suing them really. I spent a thousand on Aurawhite , kcolly and SNE beauty. what a load of bull.
I remember reading somewhere that the older you get, the probability for healing your skin and your internal organs is doubled or may even tripled due to its heightened defence mechanism despite our ageing bodies. I have met countless of women in their 40 and 50s whom look better than 25 year olds. these women spent thousands on high end products like MF 111 and Mireica. These women also eat good fresh or raw fruits and green veggies.
 I spend hundreds for fresh greens and fruits. it works better than a collagen drink. but kids , if you want a short cut for better skin improvement and don't mind paying a hefty price. go for the high end products. PLEASE  don't buy into those cheap gimmicks by our local products. having said that there are two local products that I swear by , are better than having a RM20,000 placenta injection. DRUM ROLL ..... The honourable mention goes to Mireica and Miracol 9!

 image taken from

I am sooo in love with this product. it was out in the market in 2013. The price was a turn off. so I did not get it until last Ramadan of 2014 when it went on sale for 189 ringgit at Guardian Pharmacy. IT TOOK 3 DAYS!!!!!!! omg it was that fast. so fast that I did not want to share this product. what if I told everyone and suddenly Cell labs can't afford to produce the product because of high demand. I will be sad if the product run out of stock. I cant wait for my next pay and buy a year of stock. I will beg. rob a bank so I could get this stuff loaded into my home ceiling high. That is how crazy I am about Miracol 9. A week after being on it , I am getting head turns more frequent. I know it beautifies your skin. I did not know it lifted the apples on my cheeks. People started asking if I went for a facial or did I go see a voodoo doctor to get my face magically lifted.  Now I don't mind spending more for a product that truly does what it says. On the tenth day my mom complemented on my skin looking fairer than usual. I did start using Nivea's sun lotion with spf 30 and Nivea whitening serum with vitamin C. So I am doing both internal and external beauty over haul.
As for Mireica, I am only recommending it because it did give me some results. but after the 4 th box it just stopped working for me. I don't know maybe I was doing some wrong at that time. it  happened  few years ago. I did read some reviews on Mirieca where it did not work for some people. It can be pricey especially when the Mireica spokesperson advised to take 2 sachets for better results. This means youre spending 177 ringgit for  7 days consumption instead of 15 days. I took a sachet a day and my pores visibly became more refined after the 4th day. after 10 days, my skin firmed up and looked very plumped and moisturised. I was having stomach ulcers then, so whenever one is ill, your body's nutrition absorption level rises up to 35%. My guess is that Mireica was absorbed a lot more when I was sick. The fast effect happened during my consumption of the first box of Mireica.
I even gave my testimony on their website. A lot of people commentated that it did not work as fast it did  was for me. Again I would like to say, if you're ill, under the weather; please take advantage of the situation and eat good food and good supplements. on enough on Mireica. So am I ill now? nope I don't think so. unless the starving month of Ramadan gave my body a boost to absorb Miracol 9 better. Maybe yes or maybe not. If you go to their facebook page or website Cell labs, you see that they have a guarantee that you could see results as early as 3 days.
So this is what I think of two skin miracle nutrion products that do work. I would personally stick to Miracol 9 though.


Sunday, April 13, 2014


[A lifting supplement]
Lifting is to regain youthfulness with elasticity. Fine suggests “lifting by a supplement” as a new concept. Let’s support the beauty from a body by taking in “a lifting supplement” for everyday life.
The ingredients are Hyaluronic acid, collagen, Elastin, Pearl coix extract, VC and Biotin, as “an internal beauty material”. The powder form is easy to melt. Please dissolve it in favorite drink and have it as “a lifting supplement”.
Fish Collagen Peptide, Pearl Coix Extract, Condensed Milk Powder,
Vegetable Oil, Elastin Peptide, Trehalose, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid,
Condensed Milk Flavor, Soy Lecithin, Biotin, Sucralose
[Suggested Use]
Take 1 spoonful(7g) daily as a supplement.
* Take as it is or mix with a favorite beverage (such as water, coffee, tea, milk, juice, etc.) and food
[Can Type]
JAN: 4976652004269
Net Wt.: 210g

[Reffil Type]
JAN: 4976652005471

Click here for your inquiries regarding our products.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size 7g
Amount Per Serving
CaloriesProtein (g)Total Fat (g)Total Carbohydrate (g)
Sodium (mg)Sugars (g)Dietary Fiber (g)Others
Vitamin C 100mg
Biotin 45mcg
* Main Ingredients (Serving Size 7g)
Amount Per Serving
Hyaluronic Acid    60mg
Collagen    5,250mg
Elastin    15mg
Pearl Coix Extract    450mg

Labeled allergic Ingredients

* What's Labeled allergic Ingredients?
The 7 “Allergic substances” shown above are obligated to be labeled as such under the Food Sanitation Law, in Japan.

Kitsui 2nd generation collagen review after 7 days

 hmm what shall I say.. a miracle or a flop? at the moment my hair is nice and soft but I don't think its due to kitsui. I have been taking veggie and fruit smoothies every day. My skin is still dry. but my eye sight did improve and I think its due to kitsui.
taste: tropical fruit. reminds me of Vitagen white bottle. similar taste. too sweet. I actually saw some residue at the bottom of the glass after i drank it. i thought it was undissolved collagen. but nope it was sugar!!!
 DON'T THEY KNOW THAT SUGAR WHETHER IT IS DERIVED FROM FRUIT or (FRUCTOSE) or not IS AGEING!.  it causes wrinkles. seriously. I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs!! almost all the manufacturers put sugar in those collagen drinks to hide the fish taste. it beats the whole purpose of getting good skin. i wonder if this drink will improve my skin or make it worst.


should I just dump Kitsui and try Mireica again?
or should i try

SASA  sells this fine young thing. I want to give it a go. So I bought two cans for RM268 (SPECIAL PROMO PRICE)
Why you ask? because personally , I am trying to cut down on sugar intake. the sugar is making my skin dry excessively. kitsui is too sweet. and the manufacturer do not realize what is at stake. sugar cause glycation of the cells. glycation causes wrinkles. I think this product will not work if it has sugar. i think any collagen product that has toomuch sugar will not work which is why aurawhite and K COLLY DIDNT WORK FOR ME. it made my eye sight good and skin fairer but dry!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


All these lovely ingredients claimed on the label of AuraWhite but no effects! better go for Mireica! Mireica is expensive but it was indeed a miracle. it took 1 week to get super smooth poreless young skin.But I needed to save money.


My exact review on aurawhite chocolate?- after a month(january 2014) on 1 bottle. I failed to get supple moist skin although my skin did become lighter by one tone. then I tried K collagen- worked a little on dryness and yes I became fairer. but my dry skin ..its still there after 1 bottle(February-March).( is it because I was smoking? now I stopped smoking-yeah! but my friends who tried aura white and k colly also complained slow effect regardless if they are non smokers or not. anyway smoking is bad . now I am smoke free and and have become a fitness freak!)

 I decided to just get shaklee's vitamin C ( March 2014). VOILA! skin is getting better. dry skin getting better. why pay 100 plus when you can get good skin with popping vitamin C that costs less than a 100 ringgit?.Plus it lasts you 3 months! I remember getting good results from MIREICA but its expensive. So now I just started on kitsui's 2nd generation collagen drink. will post on its effects after 7 days !! IT HAS THE SAME INGREDIENTS AS MIREICA!!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

review setelah tujuh hari gunakan collagen vit e

i setakat guna 7 hari. ikut tips keng kawan dan nenek mereka dari thailand. Dia org gunakan POP cream hampir sama dengan krim siang collagen. tengok nenek dia sehat jer . rupa rupa nyer dia org gunakan cream ni 7 hari shj setiap bulan. dia org cakap pop cream nie ada 1% mercury. ada yang pakai cream mercury waktu tumbuh jerawat. so i dah berhenti gunakan cream collagen but my skin is so soft. pori pori mengecil. dan yang best sekali lubang lubang bekas jerawat batu semakin mengecil. alhamdulilah lebih elok dari laser treatment.
takut gak nak pakai collagen, walaupun peratus tu tahap selamat. maksud nyer..boleh pakai tapi tak boleh lama. kerana logam merkeri ni mendap berkumpul kat buah pinggang kalau pakai lama lama.walaupun nenek nenek thailand nie hidup sihat jer pakai krim POP, I  tak nak ambil risiko. mungkin makanan dan zat zat ket thailand tu bagus tinggi dengan glutathione dsb, badan mereka boleh tahan merkuri. makanan zat kat malaysia bukanlah baguih sgt. ada juga kenalan i dari internet dah pakai tiga tahun collagen vit e , tak der pulak sakit kidney etc. kulit licin jer. dia pakai tang ada jerawat jer. kadang pakai kadang lupa. bukan hari hari. and dia tak mengalami penglupasan. sama dengan saya. i tak mengalami penglupasan teruk sebab kandungan merkeri tu byk sgt (still merkeri tu logam yang sifat nyer berkumpul dalam badan kita. so still tak bagus ler)
I first day -kulit pedih sekejap. lepas hari ketiga tak pedih.
3rd day-keluar jerawat degil yang  mati kat dalam kulit.
pori pori terbuka sikit but hari ketujuh mengecil
hari ketujuh kulit kering mengelupas kat dagu sahaja
LEPAS I STOP guna collagen
8 day-pori pori tersumbat tu mula keluar nasi. i picit gak keluar. picit tu perlahan lahan.
I memang ada msalah kulit berminyak tapi kering.

sewaktu penggunaan collagen cream ni. i gunakan new peptin anti wrinkle serum dan minum K-COLLY gak. So now i rehatkan kulit i nie. dan cuba lagi Collagen cream ni bulan depan untuk 7 hari lagi.ataupun i try krim POP. kandugnan merkuri krim POP rendah lagi dari collagen krim, 99 krim tabitha dan kawasan sewaktunyer.
tak payah ler nak terburu-terburu pakai cream nie. and i nak buatt ujian darah tengok mcm mana kandungan merkuri dalam badan nie. and baru try.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Collagen plus Vit E -mercury? yes it has mercury

Ok I nak review Collagen plus Vit E. I'm doing it in Bahasa since most of the  users of this product are Malaysians. First of all. kandungan cream nie adalah vaselin base dengan kandungan merkuri 0.0001 percent. I dah buat ujian makmal so kandungan merkuri ni kalau ikut US nyer badan kesihatan FDA, adalah tahap selamat. TAPI! yup ada Tapi ok. Collagen plus vit E ada tiruan. Kandungan merkuri dia.. mak oiiii!!! tinggi sangat.  Krim malam dia nampak kemerahan ataupun greyish kelabu. I cakap nie krim Malam ok. bukan krim siang ...krim siang dia ok. selamat BUT  ada merkuri gak..less than 0.001% dan. kandungan vitamin E agak bagus. Merkuri jenis murah iaitu Cinnabar warna nyer merah dan merkuri yang diproses warna metalic kelabu.
ORIGINAL -krim malam lebih cerah sebab merkuri rendah.

Rata-ratanyer yang krim murah semurah RM9 nie kandugan merkuri jenis cinnabar amat tinggi. So pregnant ladies pls dont use this product!!!
Ok I sanggup pakai krim ORI nie sebab merkeri pada kadar rendah boleh membersihkan pori pori tersumbat.  kat Thailand  Krim POP mengandungi merkeri ni digunakan untuk 7 hari sahaja.
Bagaimana nak manfaatkan krim ni tanpa mencederakan kesihatan kita. actually, setiap hari kita terdedah dengan merkuri. Cuma you all tak sedar. Mascara  dan eye liner smeuanyer ada merkeri tapi padar kadar kurang dari 0.001 percent ntuk tujuan mengawet. Ikan ikan sekarang byk kandungan merkeri disebabkan pencemaran laut. Tuna paling byk kandungan merkuri. disarankan untuk konsum hanya 2 kali seminggu.tampal gigi amalgam pun ada merkuri!

 oK  i dah start pakai 5 hari, dah. jerawat yang tak nak keluar .. dah pun keluar dan skin looks o smooth. im happy. peeling baru start hari ke lima.Selepas Hari pertama I pakai rasa stinging (perit) but second day its ok. tapi kering kulit I dan tegang. mungkin sabunyer kut.. terlalu mengeringkan. so i dah stop sabun.
Pori pori kat kawasan bawah mata dah mengecil tapi pori pori kat pipi belum lagi. hopefully on the 7 th day its ok. I akan continue pakai untuk sebulan and then I akan maintain dengan product lain ynag lebih selamat. Untuk membuang kandungan merkuri dalam badan. SILA MAKAN DENGAN BYK SEKALI

  • glutathione
  • alpha lipoic acid ( jangan byk sangat kalau gigi u ada amalgam,sebab tampal gigi tu boleh mengeluarkan merkuri kalau makan alpha lipoic byk sangat) 5 mg sudah cukup.
  • makan lebih lemak dan kurang karbohidrat. Merkuri suka berkumpul kat lemak. Lemak makanan tu nanti akan mengikat merkuri yang di buang oleh glutathione atau alapha lipoc acid.
  • Daun ketumbar MENTAH (cilantro,parsley) MURAH DAN BERKESAN BUANG MERCURY
  • makanan berlemak-good fats adalah yang berikut:
    • Olive oil
    • Canola oil
    • Sunflower oil
    • Peanut oil
    • Sesame oil
    • Avocados
    • Olives
    • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews)
    • Peanut butter
    • Soybean oil
    • Corn oil
    • Safflower oil
    • Walnuts
    • Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds
    • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines)
    • Soymilk
    • Tofu
  • sewaktu menggunakan product atau makanan yang ada merkuri. minum air byk byk sehingga 16 gelas sehari.
  • infra red sauna baik juga untuk membuang merkuri yang ada pada kulit dan peluh


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tanaka tree Powder or Thanaka 

I first heard of Tanaka from the bio-essence whitening product range. So many skin brightening products out there, i gave this one a miss. Then one fine day i walked into a beauty novelty shop that sells products from Thailand, Myanmar,Indonesia and China. My eyes caught an indonesian herbal drink , which was a herb mix for women's health. I asked the young store keeper for a box of that and she asked if i wanted to try Tanaka Powder for topical use. She explained that it helped her skin a lot and and this a traditional product from her home country, Myanmar. Well she made a good observation of my skin, I started getting acnes and tiny pimples. I was desperate to try anything, and for 15 Ringgit , why not.
The verdict, my clogged pores drying up and pushing out all those ugly oils seeds. Skin looks more young, i thought hmm.. must be coz the tone of fish or other things . I dont know i cant say its tanaka. I used it on my inner thighs discoloration. its becoming lighter. so im happy. my face is brighter too.
So i googled and found some info:

Benefits of Thanaka
Thanaka is a moisturizing treatment that soothes and cools the skin while it evens out skin tones. It is an anti-bacterial/anti-fungal that helps clear your skin of acne/pimples, freckles, whiteheads/blackheads, face and skin rashes as well as soothes sunburn and relieves itchyness. Thanaka is also a non-greasy anti-oxidant that replenishes essential nutrients for the skin which slows down the ageing process by reducing wrinkles and fine lines.
Tanaka is a native herb from Myanmar helps to eliminate dark spots on the skin effectively and mitigating the darkly rough marks, particularly at the armpits, thighs, ankles and elbows.
To make the organic Tanakha paste cosmetic, the wood and bark is finely ground and mixed with water. The liquid paste produced has an aromatic fragrance and is the favorite natural skin beautifier in Myanmar for ladies from all walks of life.
Burmese Tanaka also spelled Thanaka is a wood bark traditional make up base, & conditioning natural sun screen facial powder
• Increases the production of collagen and elastin to prevent wrinkles and skin aging
• Moisturizes and hydrates aging skin
• Controls Excessive Facial Oil, Removes Serious Acne, Pimples, Blackheads and whiteheads
• Can be used as a 100% natural make-up base or liquid foundation

So if you want to try this product:

Call me at  (006)  01123617951
Price : 15ringgit 40gm 
            30ringgit 110gm